More Italian Waves

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Where is possible surfing in Italy ?
Every where.. in Italy there are about 8000 km of coast.
Many peoples do not know that in practical Italy surf, the waves do not have the frequency and the measure of those Ocean. 
Watching my photos intuisce that also ours hear of the Mediterranean they are not badly 
Medium the varied measure from a meter to two meters, but every a lot arrives of the beautiful ones swell gives beyond three or four meters. 
The greater wave surfed in Italy measured beyond five meters 
This wave is found in Sardinia to Capo Mannu. Also to Levanto on they can find conditions of Big waves. 

To Varazze instead one of the beautifulst waves of the Meditarraneo is found. The wave is famous for its crystalline tube and often the measure is of beyond two meters and means. 
Surfers like Jeff Hakman, Dave Kalama, Rusty Keaulana, Tom Curren, Bean Joung, Mark Occhilupo etc. is remained enthusiastic after to have surfed to Varazze one mythical day 
we all in Italy are fairs of our waves, but when we can we go to make surf in turn for the world, like every surfer 
If Italy passes not to forget you to carry your table to you. if they need you of the information detailed on the several one spot, you also write to
me, I will be very content to help you 







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